Pacific Islands news and development

8 August 2011

South Africa's School Net

Another great post on the Edutech Debate. This time about an initiative in South Africa called SchoolNet SA, a not-for-profit NGO, operating since 1997:
In the early days we attempted to cover all aspects of ICT in schools by sourcing and providing hardware and software as well as training teachers. Our mission has always been to create communities of teachers using ICT to enhance teaching and learning. These days we concentrate on teacher development with a particular emphasis on ICT integration and on underserved schools. These two areas often appear to be incompatible, as I will try to explain.
There are 13 Lessons Learned that are very relevant. There is also a very interesting link in the article to an online course on ICT Leadership for Education Managers, supported by Microsoft. It has 3 Modules:
  • Module 1 is ICT Skills for Principles
  • Module 2 is What Teachers and Learners do with ICT
  • Module 3 is How Schools Manage ICT.
All, the details are at:
-- Ian Thomson